Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Since time immemorial, banks have always been offering current accounts to its clients. This type of account has a variety of features that can meet the unique needs of every individual, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are all similar. They have different interest rates and fees, and these all depends on the transactions you make and the features you avail.

Below are the aspects that need to be considered when you are looking for a current account fitted for you:

The instant debit feature. This feature of a current account allows its client to perform their regular transactions very conveniently and hassle-free. You do not have to visit the bank to withdraw and pay for your monthly bills and other payables. All you have to do is to make an arrangement with the bank to make automatic payments for you. This feature prevents you from missing due dates and incurring penalties due to late payments.

The current accounts fees. It is practical if you search for current accounts that bear a small fee or no fee at all. Banks usually enforce interest to current account depositors that use the overdraft facility or send money abroad.

There are banks that charge monthly fees or transaction fees and it's alright to ask what these fees are for. Do not focus on a single bank, but instead, you should look for others that offer them at a lower rate.

The interest for your money. Some banks attract clients by giving interests on current accounts provided that they don't fall below the required minimum balance. You will be charged if your account goes under the minimum that is why it is important that you always monitor your account. On the other hand, you will earn an interest if you are able to maintain your account balance.

The overdraft facility. An overdraft can happen if you miscalculated your withdrawals or expenses, which goes beyond your available balance. The overdraft facility is very useful in this case for the bank will cover the amount that you've overdrawn. The particular amount can either be paid in monthly instalments or in full.

However, the overdraft facility cannot be availed by everybody. Those who can avail of this feature are those who have a high credit score and whose income belongs to a certain bracket set by the bank.

The online banking facility. With this feature, you can monitor your account 24/7. If you want to make inquiries, you can simply reach them through their customer service hotline or via an e-mail. You may even make online transactions, such as money transfer and bills payments, right from your own home.

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